Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving Wine Pairings

Hey there, remember me? After a whirlwind year of landing my dream job, securing the perfect NYC apartment, and starting my MBA program...the bitch is back. And I'm just in time to give you some wine recs to get you through the holidays. Because you know what's better than gathering around the table with your family eating delicious home-cooking? Sauvignon Blanc from the Loire Valley. 

I pulled together a little list to help you pair your favorite comfort foods with the most important beverage of the day, so even if you just stayed in your studio apartment and made a big pot of mashed potatoes because traveling was too much of a hassle, I got you. This year I am thankful for All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor's Version), as I will be for the rest of my life, honestly.

thanksgiving wine pairings

Thanksgiving Wine Pairings

Turkey + Beaujolais Nouveau 

Everyone who knows me knows I love Thanksgiving because that's when the latest Beaujolais Nouveaus are released. This light red won't overpower your bird or the gravy you have with it. With high acidity and low tannins, you can keep drinking this wine until long after the table is cleared. 

Mashed Potatoes + Chardonnay

Make sure it's oaked! Some might say a buttery Chard is too rich to pair with Thanksgiving, but I say those people buy cheap Chardonnay. I'm drooling at the thought of how perfectly it will pair with my mom's creamy mashed potatoes. Just trust me on this one. 

Brussel Sprouts + Sauvignon Blanc 

If there's not at least one bottle of Sauvignon Blanc at the table for the holidays I'm not doing my job. This wine will pair great with the crispy brussel sprouts your aunt brought because she tried it at The Smith and fell in love. Make sure there's a sprinkle of lemon on those sprouts to really bring out the fruit of the Sauv Blanc. Bonus points if there's some shaved parm on there, too.

Cranberry Sauce + Grenache

I freaking love homemade cranberry sauce, and so does a Grenache. This light red will balance the tartness of the cranberries and won't overpower all the spices. Grenache and Beaujolais are interchangeable at your Thanksgiving as both are a light red, so it's up to you to decide on preference!

Pumpkin Pie + Riesling

The honeyness of a Riesling will perfectly bring out the spices of your pumpkin pie. I love a German Riesling, but I've also heard the Finger Lakes make a mean one, too. Try to find a spätlese, which will be sweet but not SO sweet that your teeth hurt drinking it with your dessert. 

Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy stuffing your face with comfort food and wine. I'll see you next time!

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