Friday, November 29, 2019

Holiday Gift Guide: Men

Thanksgiving is over and I've officially eaten too many carbs, which can only mean it's time for holiday shopping! I LOVE shopping (mostly for myself but for other people is still fun) so I figured I would create some helpful guides to get you through your gift-giving woes. Best part? All of these gifts can be found online and are $50 or under so you don't even have to deal with the crowds at the mall or break the bank! Oh, and remember, any time you online shop remember to use Honey to save!

Holiday Gift Guide: Men

Is there anything harder than shopping for the men in your life? Whether it's your boo thing, brother, dad, or grandpa -- men are notoriously known for being near impossible to shop for. I can't even tell you how many wallets my dad has received from me, he could probably open his own Fossil at this point. And even though men pretend to be "chill" about everything we ladies know that in reality they are so picky and particular about EVERYTHING! Hopefully my little gift guide helps, but if he doesn't like what you give him then dump him and obsess over celebrities you can never have like me (but stay away from Harry he's MINE!).

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

NYC Skincare Routine

One thing I was not expecting when I moved to New York (so young, so naive) was how the city air would ruin my once porcelain skin. After only a month I noticed my pores seemed larger, I was breaking out more, and my skin just looked dull. Seeing as how I'm 26, the thought of what this constant pollution can do to my skin freaked me the eff out and now I'm considering myself skincare-obsessed. I did my research, gave myself my own degree in esthiology, and prepared a skincare routine that will not only make my skin happy, but me happy!