Monday, January 25, 2021

Glitz Guide: Self-love

This past year I experienced a lot of loss. My Grandpop died in October, I broke things off with two boys I really, really liked but saw no future with, and I lost the happy life I was living until a global pandemic threatened humanity. But one thing I didn't lose? Myself. Through all the tears, the pain, the depression...I realized that I was the only one I could truly count on to make me happy. I had to love myself to get through it all. 

I want to preface this by saying I do still have bad days. Days I look in the mirror and point out my flaws. Days I struggle with my own self-worth. It's by no means an easy journey, but I'm working on it. I want to share my experience so maybe you can learn something -- take that first step to start healing. Realize you're so amazing and special and deserve all the happiness in the world.